Pamala Oslie’s Quantum Leap eCourse
Quantum Leap Course
Set Free Your Greater Self: Tap into Your Powerful Quantum Abilities!
Your life is about to take a breathtaking turn as we delve into the mind-blowing transformation that is currently happening in the world right now.
Our understanding of reality is changing very quickly, so this is the best time to explore the profound impact this will have on your everyday life.
Are you ready to redefine what it means to be human and experience a reality where creating comes with more empowerment and ease?
It’s time to change the way we’re living our lives …struggling just to survive.
Our old ways of navigating life are too hard, stressful…and truthfully – no fun.
Are you ready to live at a higher, more elevated level of consciousness?
Because this shift is happening now!
You can now embrace a future where you become a master of your reality.
Get ready for a life-altering journey where you’ll discover a profound and much easier way to manifest your dreams
Imagine living as the greater Soul you truly are—transcending time, bending reality with your mind, effortlessly manifesting your desires, seeing auras, and even experiencing telepathy!
Experience this transformational course now! Awaken your inner wisdom and your more advanced abilities to up-level your life!
What Awaits You in This Extraordinary Journey:
Five Levels of Consciousness: Explore the five different levels of consciousness that influence your manifesting abilities.
Understand Your Ego: Shift your perception of ego to empower your greater Self.
Transcend Time: Shift your understanding of time, creating instant changes in your experiences.
Intuition Exercises: Access your inner wisdom through intuitive exercises.
Telekinesis: Spoon Bending Discover the principle of telekinesis and mind over matter. You are guided through specific steps to bend spoons.
Parallel Universes: Master the physics behind parallel universes and learn how to intentionally shift into different universes to change your life.
Discover Your Multidimensional Self: Tap into the power of your multidimensional being.
Experience Your Other Lives: Deepen into guided meditations that connect you with past and future life experiences.
…And much more…
Full Money-Back Guarantee!
You are meant for more; you are capable of more. Now you can discover the keys that unlock a more wondrous life for yourself.
Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your life experiences—now!
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena it will make more progress in one decade than it has in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
– Nikola Tesla
What People Are Saying:
“Quantum Leap is the perfect course to learn how to create a profound new reality, and learn who we truly are. Pam Oslie takes us on a journey from bending spoons to parallel universes and powerful meditations to shift our energy. With Pam we learn to not only expand our consciousness, but who we truly are; magnificent beings with un-measurable abilities to change ourselves and our planet. This course was an amazing spiritual experience.” – The Rev. Mary Moreno Richardson
“Life is now absolutely more fun and interesting! I’m feeling more empowered especially after the spoon bending!” – Shelley G.
“Pam’s ‘Quantum Leap’ eCourse has transformed my life and I hope it will be as fun and transformative for anyone and everyone who decides to take the journey.” – J. Phillips
“The tools, ideas, and concepts you presented are awesome and so applicable! You took something incredibly complex and made them understandable. I was having epiphanies all over the place.”
“The shift in consciousness has been really interesting. Thank you so much for bringing that forth for me. Lots of miracles are coming into my awareness and I Love It!” – SG
“Pamala Oslie’s ‘Quantum Leap’ eCourse is a perfect combination of education on the power of understanding the quantum nature of the world in which we live, and practice in expanding our consciousness.” – Jason
“Holy Parallel Universes! WOW! Thank you so much for this amazing information. You really did take me to the next level.”
“If I didn’t have a disfigured fork on my desk right now, I might not believe that I actually re-formed these seemingly rigid utensils!”
“Thank you for caring enough to share this info with us, and for your passionate, fun and easy way of teaching.”
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Meet Your Teacher
Pamala Oslie is a consultant, best-selling author, professional psychic intuitive, medium, and aura expert. Pamala has appeared on ABC, CBS, NBC, The Dr. Oz Show, The View, The Ricki Lake Show, Iyanla, Coast to Coast with George Noory, Hallmark’s Home & Family, Gaia with Lisa Garr, and hundreds of other television and radio shows. She has also been featured in many national magazines.
Pam has spoken at the TEDx Talks, the International Forum on New Science, Fortune 500 companies, and many seminars for professionals in the psychology, education, health fields and more. She has written five successful and popular books, Life Colors, Love Colors, Make Your Dreams Come True, and her latest books Infinite You, and The Truth According to John. She was awarded the Holistic Transformational Leader of the Year Award by the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching. She has a very extensive clientele, including many celebrities
Quantum Leap Course - part 1 of 4
Class 2: You Are Multidimensional 10:34
Discover what a little two-dimensional dot has to do with your life and who you really are.
Class 3: The Poker Chip Game 58:14
This powerful experiential exercise is designed to help you discover why you’re on the planet and in physical form. It will also reveal important insights into your current life circumstances.
Class 4: The Five Levels of Consciousness 33:51
Discover the different levels of consciousness that affect your manifesting abilities. Each level of awareness brings about greater ease, rather than struggle and hard work, to create what you want.
Learn some of the most important and profound discoveries of quantum physics and how they affect your life and perception of reality. It’s time to dramatically shift our lives and finally live our true advanced abilities. It’s time to understand and implement the new principles that quantum physics is revealing. They are changing our understanding of reality.
Class 5: Your Ego 22:24
In this session you’ll understand the role that ego plays in your life. Discover how to shift your perception of ego so that you don’t limit your true greater abilities. Desire and the ego have both gotten bad reputations but there are positive ways to perceive and work with your ego and your desires to create your best, most fulfilling life.
Also, see the powerful role that time and the present moment play in your life. What spiritual teachings reveal about your manifestation abilities. Hear true-life examples of “miracles” that prove there is more to us than we’ve been taught and that our perceived “physical” limitations are illusions
Quantum Leap Course - part 2 of 4
Class 7: Non-Local Mind 12:52
Understand what non-local mind and entanglement are and how they work. Hear powerful true stories of how these abilities have been used to save lives, how researchers have measured the emotional reactions of the global community, how technology is leading us to experience these
Class 8: Time 9:07
What is time? Are we limited by time? Can we transcend time? Discover how shifting your understanding and perception of time can affect your ability to create and affect your personal experiences in life. Discover how intuition and psychic abilities are beyond time, and how you can use these to know your most fulfilling life direction and make your best choices.
Class 9: Intuition: Exercises 13:33
Included here are different exercises that use your intuition. Learn different tools that can help you access your own answers.
Class 10: Psychic Development Exercises 14:43
Experience this psychic development exercise along with the audience. It’s best if you can actually practice this exercise with someone else – even if you do this remotely. You can have a friend or friends over to do these processes. Or if that is not possible, talk to a friend on the phone, or via Skype or Facetime, or sense information about a friend and contact that friend to discuss what you sensed at a later time. Find creative ways to practice with a partner(s). If you feel you know your friends too well, ask them to think of others or share photos of people you don’t know so you can practice.
Quantum Leap Course - part 3 of 4
Class 12: Manifesting: Meditation 46:06
During this meditation, you’ll hear the list of different beliefs that occur at each level of consciousness. Discover what you’ll need to know to live at a level of ease.
Class 13: Telekinesis: Spoon Bending 18:04
Discover the principles behind telekinesis, mind over matter, and the nature of “physical” reality. You, along with the audience, are guided through steps to bend spoons. Have your spoons ready so you can do this.
Class 14: Parallel Universes 32:22
Learn about the physics behind parallel universes, how they work, and discover how to shift into different universes to change your life. Hear examples of how Pam has used this knowledge and used this process to dramatically change her life circumstances. Learning how to shift into different parallel universes can be one of the most powerful and profound methods to change your life that you will ever encounter.
Class 15: Parallel Universes: Meditation 30:03
Experience shifting into different universes through this guided meditation. This experience also brings you into other (past) lives. Discover answers and insights from your other lives during this process.
Quantum Leap Course - part 4 of 4
Class 17: Telepathy: Group Exercise 19:58
You are telepathic. You can communicate with people anywhere. Since we are all connected in the field, it acts like the “Worldwide Web” and enables us to send and receive information through it. You’ve probably had the experience of thinking of different people and then, only a short time later, they call you or you run into them. We’re actually telepathic beings. We communicate through this field all the time. Most just haven’t been aware that they’re doing that.
Humanity is headed toward becoming fully telepathic. When we know who we truly are and that we are already connected, knowing that we are becoming more telepathic will feel exciting. Once we are fully telepathic, there will be no reason to hide from each other. More trust and compassion will emerge. Fear, guilt, shame, judgment, and suffering will diminish and eventually disappear. That sounds unrealistic right now because we’ve been taught that humans are flawed and not to be trusted; and we all believe we have secrets to hide. But our insecurities and fears are actually the source of our troubles.
Directions: When you participate in this group exercise, you can either choose one group to join. Then when that group silently focuses and telepathically projects an image of the item to group two, you can join them. Project or send an image to the other group in the room. Telepathy knows no boundaries in time or space, so you can contribute to the image being projected to group two.
Then when group two receives the image from group one, join them. Close your eyes and see what image you pick up or sense. Again, consciousness knows no bounds. Or, if you choose, you can close your eyes every time to see what images you telepathically pick up. See if you pick up or sense each item being shown.
Class 18: Non-Local Mind: Exercise 9:55
Non-locality or non-local mind reveals that consciousness is not limited to the brain; it exists beyond the brain and the body. It is also not bound by space or time.
Your consciousness can be everywhere and anywhere, unbounded in time and space beyond your brain and your body. It is non-local. You are much more than your body, but you focus part of your consciousness inside, or as your physical body, just like the network signals traveling through space are drawn inside your TV so you can experience the shows.
Directions: This telepathic exercise is more advanced and could be more challenging, but it is created to expand your mind. To participate in this exercise, calmly pick up, along with the others in the room, the image of the item being telepathically projected to you from outside the room. You may want to pause the video while you tune in to give you more time to sense the image.
Class 19: Talking To The Other Side: Exercise 12:40
Directions: This process is best done with a partner, whether you are in the same room, on the phone, on Skype, or even in different locations. Consciousness can transcend distance and time. If you don’t have a partner for this exercise, you can still practice by tuning into someone you know from a distance and see if you can sense a guide or deceased loved one around them.
Pay attention to who and what shows up in your meditation, and the message that you hear. Breathe deeply, close your eyes and follow the guided meditation.